List of Key NEMIS Modules. National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) is an online portal for managing and automating education data and other related administrative functions. The main objective of the NEMIS portal is to help the Ministry of Education gather accurate and real-time information on learners and learning institutions.
Here is a List of Key NEMIS Modules
NEMIS is built upon four primary modules that encapsulate different aspects of education management:
- Institutions Module: This module encompasses the registration and physical attributes of educational institutions. It includes six sub-modules: institution registration, teaching, and learning material, school utility, school infrastructure, co-curricular, and emergency reporting.
- Learners Module: This module acts as a repository for all learner-related information. It records student registration, performance metrics, academic progress, and transitions between different levels of education.
- Staff Module: The staff module captures detailed information about both teaching and non-teaching personnel. It covers registration, areas of expertise, mobility, transfer history, study areas, and staff responsibilities.
- Finance Module: Responsible for managing financial aspects, this module tracks income and expenditure within educational institutions. It records fees, income returns, expenditure returns, and the utilization of development funds.