The long term court battle between young Ugandan Billionaire Dr. Hamis Kiggundu and East African Diamond Trust Bank Group has finally come to an end with closure of all court cases.
KAMPALA UGANDA | The long standing financial dispute between city young tycoon Hamis kiggundu and diamond Trust Bank has come to an end with all court cases dropped..
In a closed meeting held between the two Giant C.E.Os Dr. Hamis Kiggundu group C.E.O HAM GROUP OF COMPANIES and Nasim Devji, the group C.E.O of DIAMOND TRUST BANK GROUP. The two reasoned and realistically resolved their financial differences that have been in court for the past 8 years.
They have resolved to put all their past financial differences aside to give way for reason to prevail towards securing their 11-year-long banking relationship and towards securing their possible future financial gains, progress, and prosperity.
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