NEMIS Registration Requirements in Kenya. National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) is an online portal for managing and automating education data and other related administrative functions. The main objective of the NEMIS portal is to help the Ministry of Education gather accurate and real-time information on learners and learning institutions.
For Students, the following information is required during NEMIS registration:
- Full name as it appears on the birth certificate.
- Date of birth.
- Nationality.
- Home county and sub-county.
- Gender.
- Special needs (if applicable).
- Parent contacts.
- Parent/guardian identification number.
- Parent/guardian contact number.
- Email address.
For Schools, the registration process entails providing:
- Legal registration documents.
- Comprehensive school details including name, type, ownership, infrastructure, and more.
- School’s official email address.
- Staff information.
- Student details.