Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to apply for Accreditation as a Training Institution by Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB)

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Nyongesa Sande
Nyongesa Sande
Nyongesa Sande is a Kenyan blogger, Pan Africanist,c olumnist Political Activist , blogger, informer & businesman who has interest in politics, governance, corporate fraud, human rights and television personality.

This article explains How to apply for Accreditation as a Training Institution by Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB)


  • The standards for accreditation establish the criteria for evaluating the overall institutional effectiveness in the delivery of training and support services to students. These standards enable KASNEB to evaluate a wide spectrum of training institutions differing in student population, management structure and control, number of KASNEB courses offered among other areas.

While evaluation of training institutions will be based on the degree of compliance, these standards should not limit training institutions from pursuing innovations aimed at increasing the effectiveness in the delivery of training programmes. Indeed, KASNEB expects training institutions to aim at surpassing these standards and to continually strive towards excellence at all times. There are four standards for accreditation that training institutions are expected to comply with. These standards relate to institutional administration and governance, trainers, physical and technological resources and student affairs and support services. The four standards for accreditation of training institutions are detailed below:,br> ‘STANDARD NO.1: INSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION

  • The training institution operates under a system of governance and administration that facilitates the provision of high quality training and support services to students pursuing KASNEB courses. There is a clear definition of authority and responsibility relationships among and between the management, trainers, staff and students.
  1. The institution is headed by a Board, Council or similar apex unit that provides strategic direction and oversight to the institution. The Board, Council or equivalent unit shall be composed of qualified and competent persons and shall have autonomy and authority to effectively exercise its functions.
  2. There is a designated head of the institution who is qualified, competent, experienced and available on full time basis to effectively run the affairs of the institution. The head of institution shall fulfill the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 or its equivalent.
  3. There are structures in place to ensure continuity of operations in instances where the head of institution is away from duty.
  4. There is a system in place to periodically evaluate the performance of the head of the institution.
  5. The institution has a clearly defined organisational structure that delineates the responsibility for the formulation and administration of institutional policies. The institution’s decision making processes are clear and consistent with its training mission and support institutional effectiveness.
  6. The management establishes and maintains appropriate channels of communication among its members, trainers, staff and students.
  7. The management is free from undue influence from political, religious or other external bodies and actively protects the institution from such influence
  8. The institution has qualified and competent administrative staff whose performance is regularly evaluated and appropriate improvements made on identified performance gaps. (i) The institution has a policy addressing non-discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, culture, national origin, gender, disability or age.
  9. The institution has a policy whereby management, trainers and staff can be dismissed only for appropriate reasons and through a fair process.
  10. The institution has a code of ethics to regulate the conduct of the Board or Council, management, staff, trainers and students.
  11. The institution has put in place measures to ensure awareness and adherence by students to the Code of Conduct and Ethics for KASNEB students.
  12. The system of governance makes provision for the consideration of trainers’, staff and students’ views as appropriate in matters in which they have a direct and reasonable interest for instance in terms of their welfare in the institution.
  13. Where an institution has satellite/off-site campuses or branches all under a single overall authority, the division of operational authority and responsibilities between the main institution and the campuses or branches is clear and documented.
  14. The institution has risk management and internal quality assurance systems aimed at ensuring continuous evaluation and improvement of institutional policies, processes and procedures and effective mitigation against risks.
  15. The institution maintains annual financial statements in conformity with the requirements of relevant legislation and accounting standards as appropriate.
  16. The institution is financially stable. There is adequate liquidity to meet short term obligations. Financial performance trends over the past three years or since commencement of operations, whichever is shorter, support the institution’s going concern assumption. The capital structure/leverage provides reasonable assurance of the institution’s long-term financial strength.
  17. Financial statements showing institutional performance, financial position and cash flows at least for the past three years, or since commencement of training where the institution is less than three years old, are readily available for inspection.
  18. The institution ensures the integrity of its finances through prudent financial management. The overall responsibilities for the finance function are under a person with relevant qualifications and experience in accounting and/or finance taking cognisance of the nature and scope of work.
  19. The institution has put in place mechanisms and controls to ensure that all monies collected from students on behalf of KASNEB are properly accounted for and remitted on time to KASNEB.
  20. The institution operates within established laws and regulations.
  • Accreditation is a process broadly aimed at recognising training institutions for the quality and integrity of their training programmes, which entitles them to the confidence of stakeholders including students, parents and guardians, kasneb and the public at large.
  • The process provides an assessment of a training institution’s effectiveness in complying with the accreditation requirements set by KASNEB and its continuing efforts to enhance the quality of student learning programmes and services. In particular, accreditation of training institutions by KASNEB is intended to:
  1. Ensure that the overall quality of education and training for KASNEB courses is maintained at a consistently high level.
  2. Assure the students and other stakeholders that the training institutions possessed adequate and appropriate human, financial, technological and physical resources and such other facilities necessary to mount the courses efficiently and effectively.
  3. Encourage institutional improvement in the quality of training through continuous self-study and evaluation.
  4. Promote good governance in the management and administration of training institutions.
  5. Provide advice and continuously encourage and support the training institutions to maintain and enhance quality standards in training. The accreditation process will be guided by the tenets of fairness, integrity, confidentiality and professional judgement with a focus on rigorous application of standards and rules.

Required Documents

Core requirements for accreditation

  • The core requirements are broad quality statements that express KASNEB’s basic expectation of training institutions seeking accreditation. The requirements serve as general guidelines since training institutions will be expected to adhere to the detailed Standards of Accreditation presented in Part II of these guidelines.
  • In order to be accredited, a training institution shall provide documented evidence to the effect that the institution:
  1. Is registered with the relevant Ministry or established by an Act of Parliament, and/or any other regulatory authorities as appropriate.
  2. Has an effective governance and administration structure designed to promote institutional integrity, autonomy and flexibility of operations.
  3. Has an adequate number of qualified and competent teaching and administrative staff to facilitate delivery of uninterrupted learning programmes to students.
  4. Has adequate and appropriate lecture halls/classrooms and staff common room(s).
  5. Has a library which is suitably and adequately stocked.
  6. Has adequate and appropriate technological resources, particularly where the institution trains in ICT courses examinable by KASNEB.
  7. Has other physical and sanitation facilities which are adequate and of appropriate quality.
  8. Has a sound financial base and demonstrated financial stability to support its programmes and services.
  9. Has put in place systems to safeguard finances and other monies collected on behalf of KASNEB.
  10. Has developed policies and procedures for the selection, appraisal and development of the teaching and administrative staff and for assessment of students’ performance and progress.
  11. Has an internal quality assurance system aimed at ensuring continuous evaluation and improvement of institutional policies, processes and procedures.

Apply Online

  1. A registered training institution offering or intending to offer KASNEB courses should apply to KASNEB either for full accreditation by visiting KASNEB’s website to make the application. You can access the Online portal through the following link
  2. Create an account using that portal by proving your email address.,
  3. Log in to your new account and fill in the required details for processing to begin. These details include.
    • Institutions name
    • Country
    • County
    • Buildings
    • Street
    • Postal Adress / Code
    • Town
    • Telephone
    • Email address
    • Branches
    • Date of registration
    • Certificate Number
  4. Upload the required documents. A list of the required documents can be found in the “Documents Section “ of this page
  5. Pay the required fees and upload the receipt. Details about the fees can be obtained in the “fees” section of this page.
  6. Following receipt of the application form together with the relevant documents and fees, KASNEB shall arrange to visit the institution for purposes of authenticating the information provided.
  7. KASNEB shall endeavour to provide details of the date, time and persons to conduct the assessment visit to training institutions in good time but not less than seven (7) days before the planned assessment date.
  8. An assessment of the institution shall then be undertaken within thirty (30) days of the visitation.
  9. Officials will go through your application and once everything is in order your institution will be accredited.
  10. Normally the process takes period of 90 days.

Apply Offline

  1. A registered training institution offering or intending to offer KASNEB courses should apply to KASNEB either for interim or full accreditation by contacting KASNEB offices.
  2. Training institutions are strongly advised to assess their state of compliance with the accreditation standards before applying for either full or interim accreditation.
  3. Fill in the application douments available through the following link.APPLICATION FORM FOR ACCREDITATION OF TRAINING INSTITUTIONS and submit it to KASNEB Offices togetrher will all the required douments.
  4. Pay ther appropriate fess for the accredation. Details of payment are available at the “Fee” section of this page
  5. Following receipt of the application form together with the relevant documents and fees, KASNEB shall arrange to visit the institution for purposes of authenticating the information provided.
  6. KASNEB shall acknowledge receipt of an application for accreditation from an institution within fourteen (14) days of receipt by KASNEB.
  7. KASNEB shall endeavour to provide details of the date, time and persons to conduct the assessment visit to training institutions in good time but not less than seven (7) days before the planned assessment date.
  8. An assessment of the institution shall then be undertaken within thirty (30) days of the visitation.


  • Training institutions operating in Kenya – Kshs 40,000
  • Training institutions operating outside Kenya 600 US Dollars
  • Fees once paid shall not be refundable. Fees shall be payable in either cash (at the offices of KASNEB), cheque, money order or through direct deposit to the KASNEB Bank Account whose details are provided below:

Name of Bank: National Bank of Kenya (NBK) Branch: Hill Branch, Nairobi, Kenya Account No: 0100131572600 Branch code’: 120042 SWIFT Code: NBKEKENX

  • For institutions operating in Kenya, the fees may be deposited directly to the account at any branch of NBK in Kenya.
  • A copy of the deposit slip must be attached to the application or appeal documents.


  • Renewable after a period of five (5) years.

KASNEB Office Locations & Contacts

Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB) – Head Office
KASNEB Towers, Off Hospital Road, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 41362-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 020 2712640, 020 2712828
Mobile Number: 0722201214, 0774201214, 0780201214, 0734600624, 0792000638, 0792002351

KASNEB Desk – Huduma Center
Huduma Center Locations

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