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Agricultural Development Corporation

BusinessAgricultural Development Corporation

Agricultural Development Corporation. With the successful completion of the land transfer programme, revision of objectives of the Corporation was done resulting in the Act of Parliament Cap 444 of 1986.As per this Act, the functions of the Corporation were redefined to include promotion and execution of agricultural schemes and reconstruction in Kenya by initiating, assisting or expansion of agricultural undertaking and enterprises. It is on the basis of this Act that the Corporation runs its operations across the country.

Agricultural Development Corporation Mandate

The mandate and core functions of Agricultural Development Corporation are set out under the Act of Parliament, Cap 444 as follows:

  1. Promote the production of Kenya’s essential agricultural inputs as the Corporation may decide from time to time, such as seeds and pedigree livestock including hybrid seed maize, other cereal seeds, potato seed, pasture seed, vegetable seed, pedigree cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and bees.
  2. Undertake such activities as the Corporation may decide from time to time so as to develop agricultural production in specific fields of production.

Agricultural Development Corporation  Vision

To be a global leader in Sustainable Agricultural Resource Development.

Agricultural Development Corporation Mission

To promote commercially oriented agricultural resource development, enhance food and nutrition security and expand agricultural undertakings in a sustainable manner.

Agricultural Development Corporation Strategic objectives

  1. To strengthen the institutional capacity to effectively manage operations.
  2. To optimize production and productivity in all sectors
  3. To commercialize new enterprises and diversify into new areas.
  4. To enhance operational efficiency across the corporation.

Agricultural Development Corporation Role in the Agricultural Sector

As a provider of quality seed to the Kenyan farmer, ADC is the main seed maize grower in Kenya with the help of the large land area it has in Trans-Nzoia District. The basic seed obtained from the Kenya Seed Company and other organizations is multiplied and passed back to Kenya Seed Company for processing. ADC endeavors to make sure that the seed produced is of highest quality possible. In facilitating the multiplication of seed, ADC plays the role of availing sufficient quantities and good quality seed to the Kenyan farmer.

In so doing, it contributes towards poverty reduction efforts and to the National Food Security.

ADC is the custodian of the national livestock studs. ADC ensures the continued existence of the breeds and the availability of quality stock to the Kenyan farmer at affordable prices.

  • ADC plays a major role in the transfer of technology from the research institutions to the Kenyan farmer.
  • Through linkages with Agricultural institutions ,ADC has contributed to be a testing ground for technologies and research .The findings of which are passed on to the farmer. ADC also facilitates the training of farmers through field days and agricultural shows; and the training of student through attachment that provide hands – on experience.
  • ADC being a major producer of agricultural produce, Plays a major role in its support to industries processing agricultural goods. Top in the list are seed maize processors, milk processors and millers. Through them, ADC has contributed to support of the industrial sector of the Kenya economy.

Agricultural Development Corporation CORE VALUES

The corporation will strive to build an organizational culture driven by the following Core Values that will be exhibited in all areas of work by our Staff, Management and the Board of Directors:

  • Integrity and Professionalism

The Directors and other Employees undertake to always act morally and ethically as well as consistently demonstrate a high degree of probity in dealing with stakeholders. In addition, ADC adheres to impeccable professional and personal standards in the conduct of its affairs. It shall offer its services in a professional manner and with it offers high quality products and service.

  • Innovativeness

ADC believes that the challenges facing the Corporation can be solved through generation of creative and innovative ideas. The Directors and Employees will endeavor to be creative and innovative in seeking ways to better discharge their mandate.

  • Partnership with other key stakeholders

At ADC we recognize the importance of partnering with others in the provision of quality products and services. We will, therefore, aspire to venture into more collaboration geared towards improving agricultural undertakings in the country.

  • Delivery of quality service

The success of the Corporation largely depends on effectiveness and efficiency in delivery of quality products and services. To achieve this, the Corporation will ensure that every department and every employee shares the same vision by delivering quality services in an efficient and effective manner.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Corporation embraces responsibility for the impact of their activities on the society; hence it will proactively promote the public interest by encouraging community growth and development.

  • Team work

In discharging the Corporation’s mandate, the directors and employees will embrace teamwork and will be committed to maintaining high standards of service delivery.

What to get fromAgricultural Development Corporation:

  • Quality Boran Beefs Breeds.
  • Quality Dairy Cows ( in – calf heifers)
  • Quality Semen from both local and Embryo Transfer (EF) bulls from world’s best sires.
  • AI Training for AI Technicians.
  • Machinery Hire Services.
  • Quality animal feeds.
  • Farms Advisory and Management Services.

ADC Contacts 

Physical Office: Development House, Moi Avenue

Nairobi, P.O.Box 47101 – 00100, Nairobi

Tel:2250695/2250185: +254797174435

[email protected]/[email protected]

Head Office

Kitale Office

Nakuru Office

Coast Office

Quick Links

Genetics Centre

Eco – Tourism

Agri- Business

AI Services

Engineering Department

Farm Advisory Services

Beef Product

ADC Semen

Animal Feeds

Citrus Fruits

ADC Seed Potato

A.I. Services & Training

  • Quality Semen from CAIS and/or Imported.
  • Embryo Transfer (ET) Bulls.
  • Liquid Nitrogen
  • All Artificial Insemination equipment
  • Multi Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET) services
  • Artificial Insemination & Business skills certificate course
  • Crop and Livestock production refresher courses
  • Short courses in Animal Nutrition, Feeds & Feeding Management.
  • Land Utilization, Crop Protection etc

Artificial Insemination & Business Skills Training

The Course: Theory training on technical aspects of Artificial Insemination, General Animal Health & Production and Business Management spread over
four (4) weeks followed by three (3) weeks of Artificial Insemination (AI) practicals on ADC farms.

Modules: Dairy Technical Skills, Feeds & Nutrition, General Animal Management, Business Skills, Management, Marketing & Sales, Extension & Farmer Education and Cross Cutting Issues.

Target Group:

  • Animal Health Certificate holders from recognized institutions.
  • Diploma or Degree holders with a bias in Animal Sciences and/or
  • Animal Health from recognized institutions.
  • Practicing Artificial Insemination and/or Agrovet Service Providers interested in improving their technical skills in Artificial Insemination and/or Business Management Skills.
  • Other non- practicing service providers interested in the business skills component
  • Practising service providers wishing to have refresher training

 Four (4) classes annually in January, April, July and December
Instructors: Qualified competent lecturers who are experts in their areas of specialization in Animal Health & Production and Business Management.

Training Fees:
Registration Fees 500/=
Tuition Fees 21,300/=
Accommodation 20,000/=
Examination Fees 2,000/=
Caution Money 1,000/=
Medical Cover 1,000/=
Total Fees 45,800/=

Other short courses include;

  • Crop and Livestock production refresher courses
  • Short courses in Animal Nutrition, Feeds & Feeding Management,
  • Land Utilization, Crop Protection courses

A.I Training

The Mission of Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) is to promote sustainable agricultural development and reconstruction by initiating, assisting and expanding agricultural undertakings & enterprises through production and supply of technological transfers and training in sustainable and affordable manner.

Towards this end the ADC Artificial Insemination (AI) Training school in Kitale is currently enrolling qualified and interested participants for the course below

For more information and application write to;

The administrator,
Artificial Insemination Centre,
P.O. Box 917 – 30200,Kitale.
Phone: 020 355 5725
Fax: 054 31 574
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Head of Technical Division,
Agricultural Development Corporation
P.O. Box 47101 – 00100,Nairobi
Phone: 020 2250 695/185
Fax: 020 224 3571
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Website: www.adc.or.ke


ADC Agribusiness Unit started its operations in 2007 to address challenges facing small scale household farmers in terms of obtaining affordable and quality services in land preparations and other farming activities.  Besides the above, the Agribusiness Unit offers consultancy services in the Management of farms on advisory basis on prudent and professional farming techniques, management of agriculture machinery, hay, silage making, pasture establishment and training.

The Unit initially started as a pilot project in Certain Identified Counties in which farmers had little access to mechanized farming.
In the first year of the implementation the unit earmarked to serve 500 small scale households, using 50 tractors and implement.
The success of the first phase where 2,500 farmers were served encouraged the donors to provide further financial support that enabled the unit to acquire additional 48 tractors and wide range of implements which are assisting the small scale farmers across the Country.
The Unit is focusing on opening up other areas where these services are required and potential, farmers are encouraged to make inquiries about the Agribusiness and FAM services through our Website and other channels of communications.

Objectives  of  the  Agribusiness  Unit

  • Establishing a model for public – private collaboration to address hunger and poverty reduction through improved and modern mechanized farming techniques.
  • Empowering small scale farmers to be self sufficient in food production through affordable and quality mechanized farming techniques.
  • Contributes to the overall growth and food security in the Country as well as long term sustainable development strategies.

Output of the Agribusiness Unit

(i) Increased Production and Good Crop Husbandry Practices
Farmers have benefited in terms of improved weed control, better plant population and timely planting through mechanized modern farming methods.
The Unit has also raised the level of awareness to farmers on the use of mechanized methods of food production.

(ii) Increased Food Production
The Unit has enhanced food production in the areas hitherto had relied on subsistence farming.

(iii) Diversification of Farmers income
Agribusiness has made it possible for many small scale farmers to get access to modern equipment of silage and hay making besides other best farming practices increasing milk production. The  initiative has enabled many small scale farmers to increase their milk    production.

(iv) IDP Resettlement efforts
The Agribusiness Unit has played key role in the resettlement of the Internally Displaced Persons by preparing their land in the areas that the Government had resettled them.  This initiative gave them hope of livelihood.

(v) Affordable and Quality Services to Small Scale Farmers
The Agribusiness Unit has and continues to provide affordable competitive and quality services to the target group of small scale farmers across the country.

(vi) Impact of the Agribusiness Unit

  • Guaranteed Food Security.
  • Diversification of Farmers income.
  • Increased production and productivity.
  • Equitable livelihood opportunities and food sufficiency.


Kenya is a tourist paradise with plenty to offer to those wanting a variety of tour package. At Galana ranch find a variety of ventures raging from bird shooting, bed night and camping. The ADC Galana ranch has ventured to conservancy and this has promoted ecotourism in the Tana River region. Luxurious camps include KULALU CAMP, KUWINDA CAMP, BUFFALO CAMP, KUDU CAMP GALANA RIVER LODGE, and SHOROA CAMP AND KIBOKO CAMP.  Vast variety of African artifacts is also available at   ENGWATA CURRIO SHOP

Ecotourism at ADC Mutara

The Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC), The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), and Ol Pejeta Conservancy (OPC), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will bring wildlife conservation and, ultimately, tourism and economic benefits to the government-owned Mutara Ranch in Kenya’s Laikipia District. This unique public/private partnership will benefit wildlife and the local community by preserving the area for wildlife migration while establishing the infrastructure needed to support successful ecotourism and cattle ranching ventures.

Under the agreement, AWF will provide the initial funding for infrastructure improvements. The Ol Pejeta Conservancy, a privately-owned wildlife area that borders Mutara ranch, is home to Kenya’s largest black rhino population and promotes conservation and ecotourism. As part of this partnership, Ol Pejeta Conservancy will provide the equipment and personnel as well as advice on establishment of an ecotourism venture. ADC will set aside a 12,000-acre area within Mutara for wildlife conservation and ecotourism and manage the entire ranch area in a manner that protects wildlife habitat and prevents poaching. Speaking of the project, ADC Managing Director, Mr. William Kirwa, says “it is in the Corporation’s five-year strategic plan to enter into ecotourism endeavors that is sustainable to both livestock and wildlife. As a government agency, ADC will play a key role in vision 2030 by promoting ecotourism in its ranches. This will be done in collaboration with partners and will aim at benefiting surrounding communities. The agreement between OPC, AWF and ADC is one of the Public Private Partnerships that the Corporation is going into to optimize usage of its ranches and will seek to incorporate community interests.” “This type of partnership between a government agency, a private company and a conservation organization is one of the innovative ways AWF is working to secure the future of wildlife conservation in Africa,” said Dr. Helen Gichohi, President of AWF.

“The key is bringing stakeholders together to protect wildlife and generate economic benefits and opportunities for local people.” Mutara ranch comprises an area of 253 square kilometers in the midst of critical wildlife migration corridors. It has a wide diversity of game, including the big five, rare species such as Grevy’s zebra, cheetah and Patas monkey. It was first established as a privately-owned ranch in 1921 and is now a government-owned cattle ranch.

According to Richard Vigne, Chief Executive Officer, Ol Pejeta Conservancy, “The entry of Mutara ranch into the Laikipia conservation arena will act to secure critical wildlife habitat whilst developing opportunities for ecotourism ventures. Ol Pejeta Conservancy, one of Kenya’s premier wildlife sanctuaries, is proud to be associated with a project that assists government to realize the potential of wildlife as a tool for wealth creation in the semi-arid regions of Kenya

Artificial Insemination & Business Skills Training

The Course: Theory training on technical aspects of Artificial Insemination,General Animal Health & Production and Business Management spread over
four (4) weeks followed by three (3) weeks of Artificial Insemination (AI)practicals on ADC farms.

Modules: Dairy Technical Skills, Feeds & Nutrition, General Animal Management, Business Skills, Management, Marketing & Sales, Extension & Farmer Education and Cross Cutting Issues.

Target Group:

  • Animal Health Certificate holders from recognized institutions.
  • Diploma or Degree holders with a bias in Animal Sciences and/or
  • Animal Health from recognized institutions.
  • Practicing Artificial Insemination and/or Agrovet Service Providers interested in improving their technical skills in Artificial Insemination and/or Business Management Skills.
  • Other non- practicing service providers interested in the business skills component
  • Practising service providers wishing to have refresher training

 Four (4) classes annually in January, April, July and December
Instructors: Qualified competent lecturers who are experts in their areas of specialization in Animal Health & Production and Business Management.

Training Fees:
Registration Fees 500/=
Tuition Fees 21,300/=
Accommodation 20,000/=
Examination Fees 2,000/=
Caution Money 1,000/=
Medical Cover 1,000/=
Total Fees 45,800/=

Other short courses include;

  • Crop and Livestock production refresher courses
  • Short courses in Animal Nutrition, Feeds & Feeding Management,
  • Land Utilization, Crop Protection courses

For more information and application contact;
The administrator;
Artificial insemination training school,
P.O. Box 917 – 30200, KITALE,
Phone: 020 3555 725    Fax: 054 31574
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: www.adc.co.ke

Engineering Department

ADC Engineering Services was established in 1990 with the aim of rendering Engineering Services to ADC Farms in a cost effective and efficient manner .This mandate was expanded in 2003 to include farmers.

To be the leader of Engineering Services in Kenya and beyond.

To provide engineering services namely, workshop, stores, contract services in line with the corporation strategic plan in order to meet the immediate needs of our farms and those of the community around us in a cost effective and efficient way.

Strategic Objectives

  • To serve as a custodian for specialized machinery and implements and to provide essential mechanical services
  • Procuring and selling spare parts to customers
  • Undertake all major repairs and maintenance operations in  the centralized workshops
  • Research, design and fabricate products/systems according to customers’ needs.
  • To implement, evaluate and monitor all engineering systems and projects
  • To be resource centre in engineering consultancy and training.

Workshop Section

  • Repair and maintenance of farm tractors  and implements, farm machines, motor  vehicles(lorries and small vehicles).Services provided in the workshop are: cutting and turning of various metal works ,welding (arc and gas welding),automotive electrical repairs, mechanical  repairs, panel beating and spray painting, puncture repairs. Training of students on industrial attachment and exposure
  • Design and Production of new products as per customer needs( trailers and water bowsers), rehabilitation of old implements  and trailers and other farm equipment

Stores Section
Procurement and sale of spares to our workshop, ADC Farms and external customers

Contract Section
It is a section that hires out machines to customers at 75% of market price. We provide the following services

  • Transport: Hire out Lorries for transport of raw materials, farm inputs and building materials.
  • Tractors and Machinery: Hire out tractors for all farm operations e.g. land preparation and subsequent operations up to harvesting of wheat and maize
  • Earth movers: Dam, roads and drainage rehabilitation and construction and other earthworks. We have a  Caterpillar D4 Dozer, Motor Grader Cat 120G,Caterpillar Cat D963
  • Drilling rig-Drilling and Servicing of Boreholes.
  • Management of water supply and reticulation systems  for domestic ,livestock and for irrigation
  • Design and construction of farm structures and farm systems.

Strategic Sections

Workshop Section

  • Repair and maintenance of farm tractors  and implements, farm machines, motor  vehicles(lorries and small vehicles).Services provided in the workshop are: cutting and turning of various metal works ,welding (arc and gas welding),automotive electrical repairs, mechanical  repairs, panel beating and spray painting, puncture repairs. Training of students on industrial attachment and exposure
  • Design and Production of new products as per customer needs( trailers and water bowsers), rehabilitation of old implements  and trailers and other farm equipments

Stores Section
Procurement and sale of spares to our workshop, ADC Farms and external customers

Contract Section
It is a section that hires out machines to customers at 75% of market price. We provide the following services

  • Transport: Hire out Lorries for transport of raw materials, farm inputs and building materials.
  • Tractors and Machinery: Hire out tractors for all farm operations e.g. land preparation and subsequent operations up to harvesting of wheat and maize
  • Earth movers: Dam, roads and drainage rehabilitation and construction and other earthworks. We have a  Caterpillar D4 Dozer, Motor Grader Cat 120G,Caterpillar Cat D963
  • Drilling rig-Drilling and Servicing of Boreholes.
  • Management of water supply and reticulation systems  for domestic ,livestock and for irrigation
  • Design and construction of farm structures and farm systems.

Farm Advisory Services

Agricultural Development Corporation, a Government Parastatal, was established through an Act of Parliament Cap 444 of 1986 ADC manages large scale farms in kitale, lakipia, Nakuru and at the Coast with the following roles:-

  • Multiplication of quality seeds for the Kenyan farmer.
  • Custodian of national livestock studs.
  • Transfer technology from research institutions to Kenyan farmer.
  • Support agricultural processing industries as a major producer of agriculture produce e.g. Seed, milk, wheat and maize etc.

In order to achieve its mandate, ADC is guided by the following Vision and Mission:

Vision:To be the prime mover and the leader in agricultural development in Eastern Africa and beyond.

Mission: To promote sustainable agricultural development and reconstruction in Kenya by initiating, assisting and expanding agricultural undertakings and enterprises through production and supply of quality seed, technological transfers and training in a sustainable and affordable manner.

In line with the ADC strategic objectives of promoting viable agricultural production and marketing through linkages and transfer of technology, the Corporation has establish Farm Advisory And Management Services Unit ( FAMS ) to assist the Kenya farmer undertake farming as a business activity and not just a traditional pass time. The unit is mandated to provide the following services to the farmers:-

  • Farm consultancy.
  • Provision of management through secondment of a manger
  • Direct management of farms.
  • Provide contractual services e.g. Tractor hire and transport.

1-Consultancy Services

This targets established farms and offers technical advisory services both on crop and livestock production. The following Services are offered:-

a. Consultancy

  • Training: A.I. Technicians, Technicians, farm planning and budgeting.
  • I. Service: Sale of semen (Local and importing).
  • Clinical Services e.g. treatment, pregnancy diagnostic test (PDS)
  • Feed formulation and feeding guidelines.
  • Modern crop husbandry techniques.
  • Pasture establishment / management.
  • Hay making.
  • Silage and hay making.
  • Laboratory Services:- Feed analysis, moisture testing and soil PH testing.
  • Animal nutrition management (dairy, beef, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry.)
  • Animal breeding management.
  • Design and construction of farm structures.
  • Management of agricultural machinery.
  • Laboratory Services- animal feed analysis and soil testing.

b. Recruitment of farm managers: ADC will recruit and train managers within ADC Farms for a period not exceeding three months before recommending to the farmer. The cost of interview and training will be at current consultancy market rates and payable by the farm owner.

c. Provision of technical / advisory service :This will mainly be by specialized technical on livestock, crops and machinery.

d. Others Products

  • Dairy Meal.
  • Dairy young stock meal.
  • Dairy early wearer.
  • Beef finisher
  • Pig feed.
  • Chicken feed( Chic mash, layer mash, etc)
  • Oranges and citrus seedlings.
  • Rhodes grass hay.
  • Lucern hay
  • Breeding animals.

Dairy cattle,Beef cattle,Sheep,Goats,Cattle Their Prices are determined from time to time.

2. Management Through Secondment of a Manager.

This involves management of the farms by ADC in partnership with owner This fallowing apply:-

(i) Secondment of a manager : ADC will second a farm manager to the farm on behalf of the owner on agreed terms and the owner to provide all the required resources for running the farm. The manager’s role will be among other things:-

  • Management of the daily operations in the farm.
  • Preparation of budgets and quarterly progress reports.
  • Report to both farm owner and FAMS Unit.
  • Preparation of farms assessment reports.

(ii) In consultation with the owner of the farm,
 FAMS Unit shall agree on the following:-

  • All financial resources to be provided by the owner of the farm.
  • Terms of payment for services have to be agreed with ADC e.g.monthly, quarterly etc or may be negotiated based on the enterprises on the farm.
  • Managers’ salary and allowances will be based on ADC terms of service.

3. Direct Management of Farms

Here ADC will take over the farm and run Units. The conditions here will include that:-

  • All resources are e.g. finance and human resource to be catered for by the farm owner.
  • The management period to be agreed upon between FAMS Unit and the owner.
  • Legal agreement for the take over to be clearly stipulated by FAMS Unit and the owner of the farm.

 4. Contractual Services

i) Tractor and Equipment Hire Services

  • Land Breaking
  • 1st Ploughing / Stubble Ploughing
  • Heavy Harrow
  • Light Harrow
  • Planting
  • Spraying

ii) Transport Services

  • Lorry long distance haulage
  • Tractor for farm transport

iii) Borehole Drilling
iv) Harvesting Silage and hay bailing.
v) Repair and Rehabilitation / fabrication of agricultural machinery &

 5. How to apply for services

Any farmer interested in any of the services offered should apply to:-
The Manager Director
Agricultural Development Corporation
P.O. Box 47101-00100

Divisional Manager
Agricultural Development Corporation
P.O Box 917

6. If the Farmer/Owner’s Application is Successful then the following will be Undertaken

  • A technical team will prepare assessment report on the farm.
  • The farmer / farm is registered by ADC, and an account is opened.
  • Corporation Secretary will draw an appropriate agreement with the farms on the terms and conditions of the management services.
  • If any credit is offered, the authority and limit will be given by the Managing Director.
  • ADC recommends cash/ monthly payments or per agreement for all its services. However, in case of any credit, the terms must be fully agreed upon between ADC and the owner of the farm.
  • In case of default appropriate legal action will instituted for recovery of the debt.

ADC Livestock Genetics Center

Location and Size:

The Centre is  owned by Agricultural Development Corporation and is located  17 Kms from Kitale Town along Endebbes-Kitale road. It is on 100 acre land carved out of ADC Sabwani Farm overlooking Mt Elgon.

The Centre is enclosed by a double chain-link perimeter fence ,and a biosafety main gate with restricted entry for vehicles and visitors.

Three quarters of the Centre is under fodder for the bulls and an irrigation system is being set up to use roof catchment water to irrigate the fodder.

Background :

The Centre was constructed and equipped from May 2014 -July 2017 through a National Government Grant to ADC. From October 2017 to March 2018 the Centre recruited technical staff and trained them in biosafety measures and operation of Laboratory  equipment. The Centre was licensed by the Director of Veterinary Services as a semen production and distribution facility on 30th May 2018 and started semen production on 8th June and semen distribution on 9th July 2018.

The Centre has had remarkable growth in number of bulls, semen and Liquid Nitrogen sales and production of fodder. To date the centre has recruited a total of 43 bulls of which 15 are imported from South Africa and 28 are locally recruited from reputable, registered breeders of various breed across the country.

Objective of Centre

ADC is mandated by  the Act of Parliament Cap 444 to produce and disseminate agricultural inputs which includes crop and livestock seeds.

ADC Semen Production Centre aims at producing quality livestock genetics(with particular emphasis on cattle) to complement local supplies and provide diversity all geared towards increased uptake of AI Services and improved dairy and beef productivity.

To realize  these objectives the Centre is  working  closely with breeding institutions, Product distributors , County Governments and Farmers in bull recruitment, marketing and sales , advisory and extension services.

Centre units

The Centre has a Prequarantine where newly recruited bulls are held observed and sampled for breeding and other diseases.The bulls in production are kept in the main quarantine compound where they also undergo training to mount.

Our labolatory is equipped with state of the art modern equipment for semen collection, evaluation straw printing ,filling and sealing equipment with capacity to hygienically process 5,000 semen straws per hour.

The Centre also has a fully equipped Conference and Catering facility to cater for 50 participants and has been host to an African Bovine Reproductive Workshop last October 3 National workshops and many local seminars.

Product range and availability

Our bulls are recruited from reputable, recording and registering  Breeders with the needs of our small holder and large scale farmers in mind .Emphasis has been laidin recruiting bulls that will impact good production,type,functional , health and longevity traits on their progenies.

The Centre currently has over 250,000 doses of Friesian,Ayrshire ,Jersey and Boran in stock and is in the process of appointing Agents to distribute these stock and more to come at affordable cost to Arm Length Service Providers and Farmers.We shall be seeking feedback on the effectiveness and fertility  of our bull semen through  direct contact with Agents ,Arm length service providers ,County Veterinary and Animal Production Staff as well as visiting Farmers using our genetics to discuss accessibility and performance.

We also have a modern liquid nitrogen plant which is  producing liquid nitrogen for use in our laboratory and surplus for sale Agents at affordable cost.

In line with our Marketing and Extension Strategy  we shall be visiting the various Counties using our products  to train Arm Length Service Providers and Farmers on efficient , effective service delivery and good husbandry practices.

We also intend to start stocking quality A.I equipment(liquid nitrogen containers,AI Guns,Socks,Forces, Goblets)and livestock extension materials in the next 3 months.

For Further information please find contacts below:

Email: [email protected] –   [email protected]                                        Tel. Number :0202500036

Contact Persons:                               Dr Muchemi Kariuki-Manager                                      Dr J.Kathoka Musee-Senior Technical Officer

ADC Livestock Genetics Centre -Excellence in Breeding

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Nyongesa Sande
Nyongesa Sandehttps://www.nyongesasande.com/
Nyongesa Sande is a Kenyan blogger, Pan Africanist,c olumnist Political Activist , blogger, informer & businesman who has interest in politics, governance, corporate fraud, human rights and television personality.

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