The source of following list is the “Nobel Prizes by category/country of birth” section of this article. Some of these winners are listed by multiple countries but in this list, they are listed only once unless a given person has obtained more than one prize.
Name | Category | Year |
Emil Adolf von Behring | Physiology or Medicine | 1901 |
Frédéric Passy | Peace | 1901 |
Henry Dunant | Peace | 1901 |
Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff | Chemistry | 1901 |
Sully Prudhomme | Literature | 1901 |
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen | Physics | 1901 |
Hendrik Lorentz | Physics | 1902 |
Hermann Emil Fischer | Chemistry | 1902 |
Pieter Zeeman | Physics | 1902 |
Theodor Mommsen | Literature | 1902 |
Antoine Henri Becquerel | Physics | 1903 |
Marie Curie | Physics | 1903 |
Niels Ryberg Finsen | Physiology or Medicine | 1903 |
Pierre Curie | Physics | 1903 |
Svante Arrhenius | Chemistry | 1903 |
Frédéric Mistral | Literature | 1904 |
Institut de Droit International | Peace | 1904 |
José Echegaray | Literature | 1904 |
Adolf von Baeyer | Chemistry | 1905 |
Bertha von Suttner | Peace | 1905 |
Henryk Sienkiewicz | Literature | 1905 |
Philipp Lenard | Physics | 1905 |
Robert Koch | Physiology or Medicine | 1905 |
Camillo Golgi | Physiology or Medicine | 1906 |
Giosuè Carducci | Literature | 1906 |
Henri Moissan | Chemistry | 1906 |
Santiago Ramón y Cajal | Physiology or Medicine | 1906 |
Albert A. Michelson | Physics | 1907 |
Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran | Physiology or Medicine | 1907 |
Eduard Buchner | Chemistry | 1907 |
Ernesto Teodoro Moneta | Peace | 1907 |
Louis Renault | Peace | 1907 |
Fredrik Bajer | Peace | 1908 |
Gabriel Lippmann | Physics | 1908 |
Klas Pontus Arnoldson | Peace | 1908 |
Paul Ehrlich | Physiology or Medicine | 1908 |
Rudolf Christoph Eucken | Literature | 1908 |
Auguste Beernaert | Peace | 1909 |
Guglielmo Marconi | Physics | 1909 |
Karl Ferdinand Braun | Physics | 1909 |
Paul-Henri-Benjamin d’Estournelles de Constant | Peace | 1909 |
Selma Lagerlöf | Literature | 1909 |
Wilhelm Ostwald | Chemistry | 1909 |
Albrecht Kossel | Physiology or Medicine | 1910 |
Johannes Diderik van der Waals | Physics | 1910 |
Otto Wallach | Chemistry | 1910 |
Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse | Literature | 1910 |
Alfred Hermann Fried | Peace | 1911 |
Allvar Gullstrand | Physiology or Medicine | 1911 |
Marie Curie | Chemistry | 1911 |
Maurice Maeterlinck | Literature | 1911 |
Tobias Asser | Peace | 1911 |
Wilhelm Wien | Physics | 1911 |
Alexis Carrel | Physiology or Medicine | 1912 |
Gerhart Hauptmann | Literature | 1912 |
Gustaf Dalén | Physics | 1912 |
Paul Sabatier | Chemistry | 1912 |
Victor Grignard | Chemistry | 1912 |
Alfred Werner | Chemistry | 1913 |
Charles Richet | Physiology or Medicine | 1913 |
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes | Physics | 1913 |
Henri La Fontaine | Peace | 1913 |
Max von Laue | Physics | 1914 |
Róbert Bárány | Physiology or Medicine | 1914 |
Richard Willstätter | Chemistry | 1915 |
Romain Rolland | Literature | 1915 |
Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam | Literature | 1916 |
Henrik Pontoppidan | Literature | 1917 |
Karl Adolph Gjellerup | Literature | 1917 |
Fritz Haber | Chemistry | 1918 |
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck | Physics | 1918 |
Johannes Stark | Physics | 1919 |
Jules Bordet | Physiology or Medicine | 1919 |
August Krogh | Physiology or Medicine | 1920 |
Léon Bourgeois | Peace | 1920 |
Walther Nernst | Chemistry | 1920 |
Albert Einstein | Physics | 1921 |
Anatole France | Literature | 1921 |
Hjalmar Branting | Peace | 1921 |
Jacinto Benavente | Literature | 1922 |
Niels Bohr | Physics | 1922 |
Otto Fritz Meyerhof | Physiology or Medicine | 1922 |
Friderik Pregl | Chemistry | 1923 |
Fritz Pregl | Chemistry | 1923 |
W. B. Yeats | Literature | 1923 |
Karl Manne Siegbahn | Physics | 1924 |
Willem Einthoven | Physiology or Medicine | 1924 |
Władysław Reymont | Literature | 1924 |
George Bernard Shaw | Literature | 1925 |
Gustav Ludwig Hertz | Physics | 1925 |
James Franck | Physics | 1925 |
Richard Adolf Zsigmondy | Chemistry | 1925 |
Aristide Briand | Peace | 1926 |
Grazia Deledda | Literature | 1926 |
Gustav Stresemann | Peace | 1926 |
Jean Baptiste Perrin | Physics | 1926 |
Johannes Fibiger | Physiology or Medicine | 1926 |
Theodor Svedberg | Chemistry | 1926 |
Ferdinand Buisson | Peace | 1927 |
Heinrich Otto Wieland | Chemistry | 1927 |
Henri Bergson | Literature | 1927 |
Julius Wagner-Jauregg | Physiology or Medicine | 1927 |
Ludwig Quidde | Peace | 1927 |
Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus | Chemistry | 1928 |
Charles Nicolle | Physiology or Medicine | 1928 |
Christiaan Eijkman | Physiology or Medicine | 1929 |
Hans von Euler-Chelpin | Chemistry | 1929 |
Louis de Broglie | Physics | 1929 |
Thomas Mann | Literature | 1929 |
Hans Fischer | Chemistry | 1930 |
Karl Landsteiner | Physiology or Medicine | 1930 |
Nathan Söderblom | Peace | 1930 |
Carl Bosch | Chemistry | 1931 |
Friedrich Bergius | Chemistry | 1931 |
Otto Heinrich Warburg | Physiology or Medicine | 1931 |
Erik Axel Karlfeldt | Literature | 1931 |
Werner Karl Heisenberg | Physics | 1932 |
Erwin Schrödinger | Physics | 1933 |
Ivan Bunin | Literature | 1933 |
Luigi Pirandello | Literature | 1934 |
Carl von Ossietzky | Peace | 1935 |
Frédéric Joliot-Curie | Chemistry | 1935 |
Hans Spemann | Physiology or Medicine | 1935 |
Irène Joliot-Curie | Chemistry | 1935 |
Otto Loewi | Physiology or Medicine | 1936 |
Peter Debye | Chemistry | 1936 |
Victor Francis Hess | Physics | 1936 |
Albert Szent-Györgyi | Physiology or Medicine | 1937 |
Roger Martin du Gard | Literature | 1937 |
Corneille Heymans | Physiology or Medicine | 1938 |
Enrico Fermi | Physics | 1938 |
Richard Kuhn | Chemistry | 1938 |
Adolf Butenandt | Chemistry | 1939 |
Frans Eemil Sillanpää | Literature | 1939 |
Gerhard Domagk | Physiology or Medicine | 1939 |
Leopold Ružička | Chemistry | 1939 |
George de Hevesy | Chemistry | 1943 |
Henrik Dam | Physiology or Medicine | 1943 |
Otto Stern | Physics | 1943 |
Isidor Isaac Rabi | Physics | 1944 |
Johannes V. Jensen | Literature | 1944 |
Otto Hahn | Chemistry | 1944 |
Artturi Ilmari Virtanen | Chemistry | 1945 |
Ernst Boris Chain | Physiology or Medicine | 1945 |
Wolfgang Pauli | Physics | 1945 |
Hermann Hesse | Literature | 1946 |
André Gide | Literature | 1947 |
Carl Ferdinand Cori | Physiology or Medicine | 1947 |
Gerty Cori | Physiology or Medicine | 1947 |
Arne Tiselius | Chemistry | 1948 |
António Egas Moniz | Physiology or Medicine | 1949 |
Kurt Alder | Chemistry | 1950 |
Otto Diels | Chemistry | 1950 |
Tadeusz Reichstein | Physiology or Medicine | 1950 |
Ernest Walton | Physics | 1951 |
Léon Jouhaux | Peace | 1951 |
Pär Lagerkvist | Literature | 1951 |
Albert Schweitzer | Peace | 1952 |
François Mauriac | Literature | 1952 |
Frits Zernike | Physics | 1953 |
Fritz Albert Lipmann | Physiology or Medicine | 1953 |
Hans Adolf Krebs | Physiology or Medicine | 1953 |
Hermann Staudinger | Chemistry | 1953 |
Max Born | Physics | 1954 |
Walther Bothe | Physics | 1954 |
Hugo Theorell | Physiology or Medicine | 1955 |
Polykarp Kusch | Physics | 1955 |
André Frédéric Cournand | Physiology or Medicine | 1956 |
Juan Ramón Jiménez | Literature | 1956 |
Werner Forssmann | Physiology or Medicine | 1956 |
Albert Camus | Literature | 1957 |
Daniel Bovet | Physiology or Medicine | 1957 |
Dominique Pire | Peace | 1958 |
Emilio Segrè | Physics | 1959 |
Jaroslav Heyrovský | Chemistry | 1959 |
Salvatore Quasimodo | Literature | 1959 |
Severo Ochoa | Physiology or Medicine | 1959 |
Saint-John Perse | Literature | 1960 |
Georg von Békésy | Physiology or Medicine | 1961 |
Rudolf Mössbauer | Physics | 1961 |
Dag Hammarskjöld | Peace | 1961 |
Max Perutz | Chemistry | 1962 |
Eugene Wigner | Physics | 1963 |
Giorgos Seferis | Literature | 1963 |
Giulio Natta | Chemistry | 1963 |
J. Hans D. Jensen | Physics | 1963 |
Karl Ziegler | Chemistry | 1963 |
Maria Goeppert-Mayer | Physics | 1963 |
Feodor Felix Konrad Lynen | Physiology or Medicine | 1964 |
Konrad Bloch | Physiology or Medicine | 1964 |
Jean-Paul Sartre | Literature | 1964 |
André Lwoff | Physiology or Medicine | 1965 |
François Jacob | Physiology or Medicine | 1965 |
Jacques Monod | Physiology or Medicine | 1965 |
Alfred Kastler | Physics | 1966 |
Nelly Sachs | Literature | 1966 |
Hans Bethe | Physics | 1967 |
Manfred Eigen | Chemistry | 1967 |
Ragnar Granit | Physiology or Medicine | 1967 |
René Cassin | Peace | 1968 |
Jan Tinbergen | Economics | 1969 |
Max Delbrück | Physiology or Medicine | 1969 |
Salvador Luria | Physiology or Medicine | 1969 |
Samuel Beckett | Literature | 1969 |
Bernard Katz | Physiology or Medicine | 1970 |
Hannes Alfvén | Physics | 1970 |
Louis Néel | Physics | 1970 |
Luis Federico Leloir | Chemistry | 1970 |
Ulf von Euler | Physiology or Medicine | 1970 |
Dennis Gabor | Physics | 1971 |
Gerhard Herzberg | Chemistry | 1971 |
Willy Brandt | Peace | 1971 |
Heinrich Böll | Literature | 1972 |
Ernst Otto Fischer | Chemistry | 1973 |
Karl von Frisch | Physiology or Medicine | 1973 |
Konrad Lorenz | Physiology or Medicine | 1973 |
Nikolaas Tinbergen | Physiology or Medicine | 1973 |
Albert Claude | Physiology or Medicine | 1974 |
Christian de Duve | Physiology or Medicine | 1974 |
Eyvind Johnson | Literature | 1974 |
Friedrich Hayek | Economics | 1974 |
George E. Palade | Physiology or Medicine | 1974 |
Gunnar Myrdal | Economics | 1974 |
Harry Martinson | Literature | 1974 |
Seán MacBride | Peace | 1974 |
Aage Bohr | Physics | 1975 |
Ben Roy Mottelson | Physics | 1975 |
Eugenio Montale | Literature | 1975 |
Renato Dulbecco | Physiology or Medicine | 1975 |
Tjalling C. Koopmans | Economics | 1975 |
Vladimir Prelog | Chemistry | 1975 |
Betty Williams | Peace | 1976 |
Mairead Corrigan | Peace | 1976 |
Andrew Schally | Physiology or Medicine | 1977 |
Bertil Ohlin | Economics | 1977 |
Ilya Prigogine | Chemistry | 1977 |
Roger Guillemin | Physiology or Medicine | 1977 |
Vicente Aleixandre | Literature | 1977 |
Arno Penzias | Physics | 1978 |
Henry Kissinger | Peace | 1978 |
Isaac Bashevis Singer | Literature | 1978 |
Menachem Begin | Peace | 1978 |
Georg Wittig | Chemistry | 1979 |
Odysseas Elytis | Literature | 1979 |
Czesław Miłosz | Literature | 1980 |
Jean Dausset | Physiology or Medicine | 1980 |
Elias Canetti | Literature | 1981 |
Kai Siegbahn | Physics | 1981 |
Nicolaas Bloembergen | Physics | 1981 |
Roald Hoffmann | Chemistry | 1981 |
Torsten Wiesel | Physiology or Medicine | 1981 |
Aaron Klug | Chemistry | 1982 |
Alva Myrdal | Peace | 1982 |
Bengt I. Samuelsson | Physiology or Medicine | 1982 |
Sune Bergström | Physiology or Medicine | 1982 |
Gérard Debreu | Economics | 1983 |
Lech Wałęsa | Peace | 1983 |
Carlo Rubbia | Physics | 1984 |
Georges J.F. Köhler | Physiology or Medicine | 1984 |
Jaroslav Seifert | Literature | 1984 |
Niels Kaj Jerne | Physiology or Medicine | 1984 |
Simon van der Meer | Physics | 1984 |
Claude Simon | Literature | 1985 |
Franco Modigliani | Economics | 1985 |
Klaus von Klitzing | Physics | 1985 |
Elie Wiesel | Peace | 1986 |
Ernst Ruska | Physics | 1986 |
Gerd Binnig | Physics | 1986 |
John Polanyi | Chemistry | 1986 |
Rita Levi-Montalcini | Physiology or Medicine | 1986 |
J. Georg Bednorz | Physics | 1987 |
Jean-Marie Lehn | Chemistry | 1987 |
Hartmut Michel | Chemistry | 1988 |
Jack Steinberger | Physics | 1988 |
Johann Deisenhofer | Chemistry | 1988 |
Maurice Allais | Economics | 1988 |
Robert Huber | Chemistry | 1988 |
Camilo José Cela | Literature | 1989 |
Hans G. Dehmelt | Physics | 1989 |
Wolfgang Paul | Physics | 1989 |
Bert Sakmann | Physiology or Medicine | 1991 |
Erwin Neher | Physiology or Medicine | 1991 |
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes | Physics | 1991 |
Georges Charpak | Physics | 1992 |
George Andrew Olah | Chemistry | 1994 |
John Harsanyi | Economics | 1994 |
Reinhard Selten | Economics | 1994 |
Shimon Peres | Peace | 1994 |
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard | Physiology or Medicine | 1995 |
Joseph Rotblat | Peace | 1995 |
Paul J. Crutzen | Chemistry | 1995 |
Séamus Heaney | Literature | 1995 |
Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo | Peace | 1996 |
José Ramos-Horta | Peace | 1996 |
Wisława Szymborska | Literature | 1996 |
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji | Physics | 1997 |
Dario Fo | Literature | 1997 |
Jens Christian Skou | Chemistry | 1997 |
David Trimble | Peace | 1998 |
Horst L. Störmer | Physics | 1998 |
John Hume | Peace | 1998 |
José de Sousa Saramago | Literature | 1998 |
Walter Kohn | Chemistry | 1998 |
Gerard ‘t Hooft | Physics | 1999 |
Günter Blobel | Physiology or Medicine | 1999 |
Günter Grass | Literature | 1999 |
Martinus J. G. Veltman | Physics | 1999 |
Médecins Sans Frontières | Peace | 1999 |
Arvid Carlsson | Physiology or Medicine | 2000 |
Eric Kandel | Physiology or Medicine | 2000 |
Gao Xingjian | Literature | 2000 |
Herbert Kroemer | Physics | 2000 |
Wolfgang Ketterle | Physics | 2001 |
Imre Kertész | Literature | 2002 |
Riccardo Giacconi | Physics | 2002 |
Avram Hershko | Chemistry | 2004 |
Elfriede Jelinek | Literature | 2004 |
International Atomic Energy Agency | Peace | 2005 |
Theodor W. Hänsch | Physics | 2005 |
Yves Chauvin | Chemistry | 2005 |
Albert Fert | Physics | 2007 |
Gerhard Ertl | Chemistry | 2007 |
Leonid Hurwicz | Economics | 2007 |
Mario R. Capecchi | Physiology or Medicine | 2007 |
Peter Grünberg | Physics | 2007 |
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi | Physiology or Medicine | 2008 |
Harald zur Hausen | Physiology or Medicine | 2008 |
J. M. G. Le Clézio | Literature | 2008 |
Luc Montagnier | Physiology or Medicine | 2008 |
Martti Ahtisaari | Peace | 2008 |
Herta Müller | Literature | 2009 |
Andre Geim | Physics | 2010 |
Christopher A. Pissarides | Economics | 2010 |
Mario Vargas Llosa | Literature | 2010 |
Jules A. Hoffmann | Physiology or Medicine | 2011 |
Tomas Tranströmer | Literature | 2011 |
Serge Haroche | Physics | 2012 |
François Englert | Physics | 2013 |
Martin Karplus | Chemistry | 2013 |
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons | Peace | 2013 |
Thomas C. Südhof | Physiology or Medicine | 2013 |
Jean Tirole | Economics | 2014 |
Patrick Modiano | Literature | 2014 |
Stefan Hell | Chemistry | 2014 |
Tomas Lindahl | Chemistry | 2015 |
William C. Campbell | Physiology or Medicine | 2015 |
Ben Feringa | Chemistry | 2016 |
Bengt R. Holmström | Economics | 2016 |
Jean-Pierre Sauvage | Chemistry | 2016 |
Joachim Frank | Chemistry | 2017 |
Rainer Weiss | Physics | 2017 |
Gérard Mourou | Physics | 2018 |
Olga Tokarczuk | Literature | 2018 |
Esther Duflo | Economics | 2019 |
Peter Handke | Literature | 2019 |
Emmanuelle Charpentier | Chemistry | 2020 |
Reinhard Genzel | Physics | 2020 |
Benjamin List | Chemistry | 2021 |
Giorgio Parisi | Physics | 2021 |
Guido Imbens | Economics | 2021 |
Klaus Hasselmann |