Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to hide Subscribers and subscriber count on Youtube.

Must Try

Nyongesa Sande
Nyongesa Sande
Nyongesa Sande is a Kenyan blogger, Pan Africanist,c olumnist Political Activist , blogger, informer & businesman who has interest in politics, governance, corporate fraud, human rights and television personality.

How to hide Subscribers and subscriber count on Youtube. You can choose to make which channels you’re subscribed to private or public. By default, all settings are set to private. 

  • Private: When your subscriptions are set to private, no other users can see what channels you subscribe to. Your account does not show in a channel’s Subscribers List, even if you’re subscribed. 
    Note: If you participate in a subscriber-only live chat, other viewers will publicly see you’re subscribed to the channel.
  • Public: When your subscriptions are set to public, other users can see what channels you subscribe to. Your subscriptions are listed on your channel homepage. Your account is listed in the Subscribers List for any channel you subscribe to. 

Here’s a step by step guide to hide YouTube subscribers:

Sign in to YouTube

In the top right corner of YouTube, click on your profile picture

Tap on Settings

Go to the left side, and click on Privacy

Turn on Keep all my subscriptions private

Private vs Public: What’s the difference and which one you should use

Private: If the user selects the settings, its subscribers will not be able to see what channels the user has subscribed to.

Public: Under the private section, a user’s channel subscribers will be able to see what channels it has subscribed to. This means that everyone present in the user’s subscriber list will see which channels has the user subscribed to.

Make your channel subscriptions public or private

  1. Sign in to YouTube on a computer.
  2. In the top right, click your profile picture "".
  3. Click Settings ""
  4. In the left Menu, select Privacy.
  5. Turn on or off Keep all my subscriptions private.

YouTube is the Google-owned video-streaming platform that has a wide user base across the globe. There are ample content creators who use YouTube as a medium to reach out to their audience and gain popularity. A YouTube channel is considered popular when it has a certain number of subscribers, upvotes and user comments on the videos. YouTube includes a feature that allows users to hide their subscribers from public view. However, the subscriber count is still visible in the YouTube Studio.

The post How to hide subscribers and subscriber count on YouTube appeared first on Nyongesa Sande.

This post first appeared on Nyongesa Sande, please read the originial post: here

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