Saturday, July 27, 2024

Types of target audiences

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Nyongesa Sande
Nyongesa Sande
Nyongesa Sande is a Kenyan blogger, Pan Africanist,c olumnist Political Activist , blogger, informer & businesman who has interest in politics, governance, corporate fraud, human rights and television personality.

Types of target audiences. Here are some popular niches you may use when classifying customers into market segments — a key step involved in effective audience targeting!

Purchase intention

This type of target audience refers to consumers who have an idea of a specific product they’re looking for, like someone looking for a new car.

These customers usually want to gather more information about the product and may still be comparison shopping, looking at different retailers for options.

Surveying consumers based on purchase intention can be a valuable way to determine how to beat the competition.

Using the same example, if someone is looking for a new car, you can learn what factors will impact their final purchase decision, like the car’s cost or warranty.


You can also classify customers based on interests, like their hobbies, the media channels they consume, and the entertainment they enjoy. You could target people who like to travel for fun or those with a unique passion, like rock climbing or cycling.

Creating groups based on interests allows you to make targeted, personalized branding and marketing materials. It’s easier to connect with audiences in a relatable way if you know what excites them.

If, say, you’re targeting people who enjoy cycling, speak to this with relevant content — like posting a list of cycling trails, or a tutorial on how your product can benefit cyclists.


You can also categorize consumers based on subcultures. This could include music genres, movie or TV viewership, or sports fandoms.

See how streaming platforms like Netflix cater to certain subcultures, lumping a type of content (like horror or romance) together based on a person’s viewing history.

It can be beneficial to target specific subcultures because these specific groups often have a strong sense of community.

There’s also an option to conduct audience research within a specific community to gain great insights into their wants and needs. Plus, within a community, you can use word-of-mouth marketing.

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