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List of best Business Management Consulting Firms in Uganda

This is a list of best management consultancy firms in Uganda. Management consultants generally help organisations/businesses to improve their overall performance and growth through methodologies that entail aspects such as strategy development, process analysis, technology implementation, organisational change management, operational techniques, time management….etc

Here is a list of the best management consultants in Uganda.

NBK-Premier Solutions – Investment/Business Consultancy

Houston Executive Consulting

Future options Consulting Ltd.

Q-Sourcing Servtec

GMT Consults LTD(GMT)

IMK Engineering Company Ltd.


Eight Tech Consults Limited

QSourcing Ltd.

EFICON Consulting Limited

Royale Property Consultants Limited


Tenvicon Environmental Testing & Consulting


Sharz – Borderless Study Consults

256 Tax Consultants

Spin Labour Consultants Ltd

NeCro Consult Ltd.

ABMAK Associates

Angualia Busiku & Co. Advocates

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