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B&g consultants limited

B&G Consultants Limited strives to inspire their clients to initiate, ignite and identify their true potential and implement it to their greatest heights of impact. Our Mission – To provide inspiration and tools that will promote transformed character, productive attitude and relevant competencies so that they can attain their full potential through training, coaching and mentoring so as to maximize their personal and professional performance. Specialities • Leadership Development to enhance relevant leadership development programs, projects, and processes that boost the organization’s ability to develop its leaders and build their capability in alignment with the organizational objectives. • Corporate Governance Advancement to facilitate the design, delivery and assessment of board development programs; to perform needs analysis and evaluation in relation to continuous improvement of the board’s performance and delivery. • Building Effective Teams to increases the competence, confidence and commitment and camaraderie of teams so that they effectively serve the organization’s stakeholders and successfully meet the organizational goals. • Organizational Change Management where we partner with our clients to drive transformation by developing, embedding and rolling out the methodologies, tools and templates that will initiate and sustain change of their culture, strategy, structure, systems and processes effectively. • Strategic Planning & Implementation that integrates a team-based approach that supports and stirs our clients to engage in strategic thinking that articulates their preferred future and systematically designs the necessary steps to actualize this future. • Executive and Leadership Coaching to heighten the potential, performance and productivity of individual leaders and managers through one-on-one coaching sessions. Coaching is also integrated in the implementation of the action steps of all the training we give our clients.


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