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List of Maisha Microfinance Bank Branches

List of Maisha Microfinance Bank Branches. However, you can access our mobile banking services by dialling *356# or using our application (M-DOH) because there is only one branch located at 2nd Floor, Chester House along Koinange Street. Maisha is owned by a number of individuals and corporate shareholders who elect board of directors.

Your ability to service the facility requested is assessed from your bank statements and we finance up to 80% of      the value of the collateral, however we encourage our customers to bank with Maisha for a period of 3 months before they take up a loan to increase their credibility in accessing our loan facilities

List of Maisha Microfinance Bank Branches

Maisha Microfinance Bank Head Office

Location: Chester House, 2nd Floor, Koinange Street

  • Chester House, 2nd Floor, Koinange Street
  • P.O Box 49316-00100 Nairobi
  • Email: [email protected]

General Enquiries:
Available 8:00am – 5:00pm, Mon to Fri
Call: 020 2220648 | 0792002300 | 0736028982

Customer Care: Available 24/7
Call: 0709567000



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