Daniella Joan
Ahimbisibwe Joan specializes in all things finance, policy, business, gender and pop culture. She’s currently a senior writer at Bizmart Africa Magazine. She’s also the author of Lady Business, a newsletter about women and business on Bizmart.
Hamz Unleashed: Charting Uganda’s Future with Innovation and Vision
The Inception of Hamz - A Tale of Fashion, Sports, and Digital InnovationExploring the Vibrant World of Hamz: Where Innovation, Style, and Dreams have...
UGANDA:President Museveni to Commission Hamz Stadium Nakivubo at Close of November 2023
Key Notes:
· Initially established in 1926 and improved in 1954 by the British colonial government.
· Demolition and reconstruction began In 2017, involving improvement to the...
UGANDA: MTN profits grow to Shs354Billion(US$93.8Million)
KAMPALA UGANDA | Telecom giant, MTN, registered a 21.1 percent growth in profits after tax to Shs354.4billion (US$93.8Million) in the nine months to September...
Garrett Camp Net Worth
Garrett Camp (born October 4, 1978) is a Canadian billionaire entrepreneur. He has helped build a series of companies, including founding StumbleUpon, a search engine; and co-founding Uber; Camp is chairman of...
Dennis Kozlowski Net Worth
Leo Dennis Kozlowski (born November 16, 1946) is a former CEO of Tyco International, convicted in 2005 of crimes related to his receipt of $81 million in unauthorized...
Jeff Zucker Net Worth
Jeffrey Adam Zucker (born April 9, 1965) is an American businessman and former media executive. Between January 2013 and February 2022, Zucker was the president of...
Kevin Rose Net Worth
Kevin Rose is an American Internet entrepreneur who co-founded Revision3, Digg, Pownce, and Milk. He also served as production assistant and co-host at TechTV's The Screen Savers. From 2012 to 2015, he...