ACAPMA – Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association is the national peak body representing the interests of the petroleum distribution and petroleum retail industry. The Association is first and foremost an employer organisation that is formally recognised under Australian law as the industrial advocate for fuel marketing and fuel distribution businesses in Australia.
First established in 1976 as the National Council of Petroleum Agents and Distributors Organisation, the Association changed its name to the Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association (ACAPMA) in 2007, to better reflect the changed nature of member businesses.
ACAPMA is a Registered Organisation under Fair Work and serves the downstream petroleum industry via the provision of employment services, industry advocacy to government, and networking opportunities to ensure the competitive viability of its members’ businesses.
Our Members
ACAPMA’s members comprise 95% of Australia’s fuel distribution and storage businesses who, in turn, supply fuel to approximately 4,800 of the 6,400 retail fuel outlets operating in Australia.
The scope of ACAPMA’s membership extends from ‘refinery gate’ through to the forecourt of Australia’s national network of service stations and petrol convenience outlets – including fuel wholesale, fuel distributors, fuel retailers, petroleum equipment suppliers and petroleum service providers.
The profile of ACAPMA’s membership ranges from small to medium sized Australian owned enterprises, to large multinational corporations.
ACAPMA works on behalf the industry with various Australian governments to ensure that government policy and regulation strikes a balance between the genuine needs of the Australian community and the maintenance of an economically strong industry.
ACAPMA regularly engages with Governments & political parties and authorities on issues ranging from:
- National competition policy and retail fuel pricing
- Safety of fuel transport and fuel retail operations
- Environmental performance of the fuels industry
- Employment law
- Alternative fuels market development
Poorly considered regulation has the potential to lessen the value of the industry to the Australian economy and place the employment of more than 54,000 Australians in jeopardy.
As a result, the principal purpose of ACAPMA’s advocacy activity is to guard against unjustified regulation that threatens jobs and places unnecessary upward pressure on retail fuel prices for Australian motorists.
ACAPMA Membership provides access to all of the Association’s products and services, many at a significant discount, and offers Fuel Distributors and Retailers the support of a registered employer organisation, the advocacy of a national association and the networking of an active industry.
ACAPMA Fuel Distributor and Retailer Members gain;
- a voice in government and regulatory advocacy
- ability to vote in, or stand for, election on the ACAPMA Board
- access to HR/IR general assistance, support and resources
- representation in unfair dismissals at the Fair Work Commission up to the Conciliation Conference stage
- access to voluntary Audits and Training at discounted rates
- daily news from the industry, plus a weekly newsletter
- access to the APFI Forum at discounted rates
- access to events and workshops throughout the year focusing on current issues at discounted rates (often free)
ACAPMA represents the whole industry.
While traditional Membership explored here is for Fuel Distributors and Retailers (parties engaged in the distribution and or retail of petroleum products), ACAPMA has alternative engagement programs.
The ACAPMA Partnership program is designed for suppliers to the industry while the ACAPMA NPCRS Program is designed for fuel site contractors.
Each program delivers its own engagement options and benefits click the links below to explore these other engagement options.
Contact information
ACAPMA – Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association
Suite 3, Level 7, 3 Spring St
Sydney, NSW, 2000
+61 1300 160